SPECIAL FEATURES | Trouble Every Day (Claire Denis 2001) w/ Eugina Gelbelman


In our first edition of the Special Features series - these monthly bonus episodes are outside of the filmographies of the current director in focus. Special Features came about because I want to talk to someone I love about a film either they love or I love (hopefully we both love).

Felicia is joined by Eugina Gelbelman (Director) to discuss Claire Denis’ cannibal love story, Trouble Every Day (2001)

They discuss how the term ‘feminist film’ has evolved through the years, and how Denis is able to utilize the quirks of her actors to her advantage.

Send us your thoughts on the episode - what are some of your other favourite European horror films? Where do you think this film stands within Denis’ filmography? Let us know by sending us a message on any of our social platforms or by email: seeingfacesinmovies@gmail.com

Follow Eugina here:
IG: @euginareviews
LB: @sunnyrasputin





Oeuvre: Claire Denis: Trouble Every Day - Spectrum Culture


Listen to full episode :


The Gleaners & I (Agnès Varda 2000) w/ José Roldan


Sunset Boulevard (Billy Wilder 1950) w/ Sarah (Ms. Sinclair)